Fuelled was asked to participate in a pitch in a narrow casting project for a line of casino’s.

Large screens that are placed on the casino floors now feature still images or regular TV-channels, where as it should be showing information about the casino itself or be used as extra infotainment for the customers. With a hardware partner to back the whole project up, we were asked to provide different types of content that could then be placed in a playlist and be regulated by a play and forget system. Animations for special occasions or holidays, a special feature short animation on a specific game or a new game could all be programmed to be played at certain times and certain dates.

With only the picture of the logo on one of the buildings as reference material to base the whole pitch on, we started out creating some vectors of random Casino-ish images that we could use as texture elements. A little brushup on the logo to make it a genuine Fuelled original was done as well. From there on we did a short sketched up storyboard to show the client how we communicate our ideas. Finally we had some raw animations to show how it would all move and a few stills that were rendered to give an idea of what could be possible.

Unfortunately the pitch was put on hold untill further notice. And eventhough we never got to rendering out the full animation, we have a few screens that we’d like to share. It’s a nifty little animation with a nice soft depth of field effect on it taking the viewer on a ride through the world of chance and luck!